To order from Wood You Like, simply contact us by email, phone, fax or by post (our contact details are on the top and bottom of every page and can also be accessed by clicking on the ORDERS image at right).
Let us know your name and contact number and we will contact you as soon as possible, take all the details and, before you know it, your order will be on its way to you by post. Simplicity itself!
Just click on the image to see the bigger picture!
We accept Visa, Master Card and Laser cards.
Your credit card is charged in Euro. Your credit card company will convert the amount from Euro to the currency in which you are billed.
If you are in Éire you can send a cheque in Euro, made payable to Wood You Like. We also accept Irish Postal Orders in Euros.
At Wood You Like we believe the customer comes first and that is why we will endeavour to make visiting and shopping with us as pleasurable and as easy as possible. If you have any problems, however, please feel free to contact us. We'd love to hear from you and we'll be more than happy to help.
We aim to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Wood You Like uses the national postal service for deliveries. Items in stock are normally posted within 3 days of order. Items which are not in stock are posted within 14 days of order. Specially commissioned items - depending on the level of complexity - may take longer. Contact us for any special commissions.
All prices quoted are in Euro. Postage is extra and is charged at the current Postal Rate.
The information contained in these Web pages is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate at the time of publication, and is solely for informational purposes. Wood You Like accepts no liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of use or reliance on this information.
Email, phone, fax or write to us anytime. Just send your name and contact number and we will get back to you to take your order or answer any queries you may have. Simplicity itself!